InCitizen Collective UpdatesbyJon AlexanderCitizen Collective is here — and I’d love you to be part of itWe’re starting a community of practice for people leading and learning for a Citizen Future… this piece explains why, how and what.Sep 4, 20243Sep 4, 20243
InPredictbyJames PlunkettPolitical iridescenceWhy I’m optimistic, despite everythingFeb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Dark Matter LabsUK Neighbourhoods at +3ºCThis work is undertaken in partnership between Dark Matter Labs & CIVIC SQUARE as new research into understanding the risks UK…Apr 25, 20242Apr 25, 20242
InReimagining Economic PossibilitiesbyCIVIC SQUAREWhat if architecture was reimagined for a new economic reality?Shifting the field of architecture and building into the DoughnutOct 27, 20222Oct 27, 20222
InReimagining Economic PossibilitiesbyCIVIC SQUAREWhat if the power and resources to build our neighbourhoods were in community hands?Using community-owned tech to create a different kind of futureOct 27, 2022Oct 27, 2022
InDark Matter LaboratoriesbyDark Matter Labs#BeyondTheRulesThis blog is part of a partnership exploring practical tools for a new type of organising with the purpose of creating ‘public good’. In…Nov 13, 20207Nov 13, 20207
InDark Matter LaboratoriesbyDark Matter LabsGrantmaking #BeyondtheRulesFunding ‘public good’ in complexity: four interrelated propositionsJun 10, 20221Jun 10, 20221
Niels de FraguierThink into the Future: a Canvas to lead positive change and become a good ancestorTo find more, I invite you to browse 28, 20222Jun 28, 20222
InRegenerate The Futurebyjenny anderssonAn Economy of Place: Part 7 — From Extractive to Interconnected EconomiesThinking in Questions | Potential not Problems | Think Like An IslandFeb 26, 2021Feb 26, 2021